Artillery: China And The Big Parade


September 10, 2009: China is having an official "coming out" ceremony for several  of its "secret" missiles, during the October 1 parade to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the communist takeover of China. The most notable "new" (but known to the intel agencies) missiles are;

DF-41. This is a solid fuel ICBM with a range of 12,000 kilometers. Similar to the Russian Topol-M.

The Julang 2 is a SLBM that uses solid fuel and has a range of 8,000 kilometers.

The DH-10, which is similar to early U.S. cruise missiles, and has a range of 1,500 kilometers and uses GPS, along with terrain mapping.

In addition there will be some shorter range battlefield ballistic missiles. These include the DF-11, a solid fuel missile similar to the SCUD, with a 300 kilometers range. The ones appearing in the parade have a new type of warhead (apparently a penetrating one, to get at bunkers.) Another new model, of an existing missile, is the DF-15, which is a solid fuel ballistic missile with a 600 kilometers range. Finally, the Chinese "aircraft carrier killer" is apparently in the parade as well. This is the DF-21C, a solid fuel ballistic missile with a 2,500 kilometer range and a warhead with targeting sensors able to find and hit something as small (to an incoming ballistic missile) as a thousand foot (320 meter) long carrier.