Infantry: January 6, 2003


U.S. Navy SEALs were well represented in the Afghanistan campaign. At least seven platoons (of 16 men each) saw action. In addition, one of the SEAL Delivery Vehicle teams checked out the Pakistani coast for potential amphibious landing sites. In addition to the usual operations in the back country against al Qaeda and Taliban fighters, SEALs went in four days before the Marines to scout the abandoned airfield the Marines later occupied south of Kandahar. SEALs were also active offshore, inspecting ships suspected of carrying fleeing al Qaeda members. But most SEALs served with "Task Force 11," the commando organization formed to coordinate the search for al Qaeda and weapons and munitions they left behind. In one operation, SEALs uncovered an al Qaeda stockpile containing 500 tons of weapons and munitions. During the year long period SEALS were in Afghanistan, two SEALs were killed in action, and at least a dozen were wounded.