Intelligence: March 10, 2003


: The Pentagon has ordered the troops to pay more attention to INFOSEC (Information Security) since September 11, 2001. Thus we see soldiers called "sergeant Jim" interviewed in Afghanistan. No last names please, terrorists may be compiling lists of people to go after. Prior to September 11, 2001, a lot of information on troops and military operations was easily available, especially from web sites. This has all changed, and the memo below, sent to the troops in one unit, makes that clear. 

There is a verified INFOSEC threat to all. Unknown subjects are attempting to elicit personal and unit data via a false website (see message below). Elicitation of this information provides easy targeting for enemies and allows them to target you, your family and your unit.
Specific guidelines to follow to decrease the ability of terrorists and criminals to gather information on YOU are:
-Destroy all material with personal or unit information on it before throwing it in the trash. When was the last time you actually watched the cleaning staff? Do you know them on sight? Destroy mail / personal documents at home as well. It is a well documented practice for criminals and terrorists to take your garbage and go through it. They can establish billing patterns, reconstruct your finances, glean data that will allow them to steal your identity. Be careful of what you dispose of. Even empty envelopes will allow them to recreate a social network diagram of you.
-Do not respond to internet requests for personal information.
-Do not provide operational data to anyone outside the scope of your job.
If any issues appear regarding elicitation or if you are approached by anyone to provide information of a personal or military nature, contact my office at XXX-XXXX.