Information Warfare: Taliban Get the Message Out


October 30, 2007: Pro-Taliban
clerics in Pakistan have developed a new tool for stirring up like-minded
tribesmen. In the last few years, dozens of illegal FM radio stations have
appeared in the tribal areas along the Afghan border. The equipment is easy enough
to get. A rig the size of a large suitcase, and weighing about 30 pounds, will
generate 50 Watts of power. If you put your broadcast antenna on a hill, you
can reach listeners several hundred kilometers away. More than enough to range
to stay in touch with lots of faithful listeners. Such broadcast equipment
(which requires a government license to use legally in the U.S.) is available
for a few thousand dollars. Many legal stations in Pakistan and Afghanistan use
similar equipment. You can get hundred pound, 250 Watt rigs, used by commercial
stations in that part of the world, for
under $10,000. You can mount all this in an SUV or pickup truck and stay
mobile, and one step ahead of the police.