Information Warfare: 'Army Strong' Meets 'Marines Better'


October 11, 2006: The U.S. Army met it's recruiting goals this year, and hopes to repeat that success next year, in part, by adopting a new slogan. For years, the army recruiting slogan had been "An Army of One." This has been derided by many troops (teamwork is what makes an army work), and tends to baffle potential recruits. The new slogan is "Army Strong." This one was tested thoroughly with potential recruits and those currently in the army, and passed muster. The new slogan refers to emotional and character strength, as well as the physical kind. All those videos of soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan have had an impact, and potential recruits see soldiers are strong, badass type people. The G.I.'s appear strong in all the ways the new slogan implies, and the new pitch is that recruits can be strong as well, as long as they sign up for four years..
These slogans are a source of mirth for many veterans, and those currently in the service. For many who have been there, the new slogan makes it appear the army has been paying attention to the USMC recruiters. The marines stress the idea that, if a recruit is good enough, we might take you. That appeals to potential recruits, and the army is hoping for the same response.
Meanwhile, some of the less serious observers see what might be the start of a trend in recruiting slogans. For example;
Army Strong
Air Force Smart
Navy Nice
Marines Better