Morale: July 21, 2004



One thing that makes the war in Iraq and Afghanistan different from all previous wars, is the relatively easy, and inexpensive, access to long distance phones in the combat zones. In the wars of the past century, being able to call the folks back home was not really possible once you got close to the fighting. No more. However, the rates are still pretty high. From Iraq to the United States, its 30-50 cents a minute (or more, depending on who you buy a phone card from.) Its even more expensive if you call collect. And Afghanistan costs about a dollar a minute. If youre one of those people who has a hard time getting off the phone, this can get real expensive, real fast. While most troops have turned to the much cheaper email, there are often occasions where a phone call is appropriate, even if its a brief one.

So two kids from Boston began collecting money to buy phone cards for the troops. Check out