Morale: August 15, 2004


The Coast Guard is getting combat pay. Recognizing performance in a combat zone is, for American troops, most often done with hazardous duty pay. The U.S. Coast Guard, which normally performs pretty dangerous duty going out in storms to rescue people, is sent to combat zones in wartime to help guard ports and coastal areas. The Coast Guard has been in the Persian Gulf since January, 2003. The Coast Guard patrols frequently board and search suspicious ships, large and small, in the area. This is dangerous duty, even if the people on the ship arent fighting back. In recognition of that, the Coast Guard Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) teams. If a member of one of these teams makes at least three boardings a month, they receive $150 a month in Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay. The moneys nice, but just knowing you are getting paid for that is a form of recognition the troops appreciate.