Murphy's Law: August 11, 2001


By now, most soldiers in the U.S. Army are wearing their new black berets, and they are all burned up about it. Mainly because black absorbs heat, and the beret does not have a brim to keep the sun out of your eyes. So the damn things are hot in the Summer time. To make matters worse, most troops feel that their berets have too much material. The excess falls every which way and is annoying to get it all sorted out. Unlike earlier headgear, you cannot walk out the door and put it on with one hand. Berets require two hands, something you become painfully aware of when you walk out the door with something in one hand. Much to the dismay of some officers, the unit crest that is worn on the beret looks like some rank symbols, meaning that passing troops don't salute. The beret is off to a shaky start.