Special Operations: Man Portable Beak Breakthrough


May 25, 2024: Special Operations forces in NATO countries now have a new portable weapon that can also be used for surveillance. The surveillance/combat UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) quadcopter weighs 11.2 kg when armed with six explosive devices that can be used against targets up to 12 kilometers away. For surveillance missions Beak weighs 7.2 kg. Beak can stay in the air for 60 minutes and the operator can be up to 20 kilometers away. Beak is equipped with anti-jamming technology and will return to its launch site if the jamming overwhelms the GPS navigation system. Beak is operated using a handheld controller that uses a joystick, buttons, and a touchscreen for mission planning as well as operation of the UAV.

Max speed is 90 kilometers an hour or 25 meters a second. In surveillance mode Beak has a day/night video camera with a laser pointer. A Beak UAV can be carried by a soldier and made ready for use within five minutes. Small infantry units or Special Operations teams would find Beak an invaluable surveillance tool or airborne weapon.




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