Counter-Terrorism: Venezuela Hosts Iranian Terrorists


June 22, 2008:   A new battlefield for the war on terror has developed in Venezuela. There, leftist president Hugo Chavez has not only established close diplomatic relations with Iran (and Cuba, North Korea and radical groups throughout the region), but has allowed Iran to set up operations in South America. Regular commercial flights from Iran to Venezuela (via Syria, to accommodate Hizbollah) carry people, cash and whatever else Iran wants to move. No questions asked, no visas required. Several U.S. counter-terrorism operations have gone to work, trying to find out what Iran is up to, and how to block any terrorist activity. For example, the  U.S. Treasury Department's  Office of Foreign Assets Control is looking to block attempts by Iran and Hizbollah to get around banking restrictions placed on their terrorist activities, by opening bank branches in Venezuela. Hizbollah is using its new base in Venezuela to support its fund raising, and purely criminal activities, in South America. Iran is looking to support attacks against South American Jews, plus any other mischief it can pull off.




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