Winning: Sudan Takes On The World


July 15, 2008:Sudan is winning its war against rebels in the western part of the country (commonly called Darfur.) Most of the rebelsbelong to black African tribes, while the loyal tribes tend to be Arab (at least culturally, they are often identical in appearance to the rebel tribesmen.) For thousands of years, Sudan has been split between those who follow the ancient ways and languages, and those who adopt the culture of more advanced neighbors (first the ancient Egyptians, than the Arabs.) In the last five years, government troops, and Arab tribal militias have chased over two million blacks from their villages, and into refugee camps supported by the UN and foreign relief groups. This violence continues, with over 200,000 more black villagers chased from their homes so far this year.

Protests from around the world have been ignored. The Arab League, and the Moslem world in general, has supported the Sudanese government, even though all the Sudanese refugees are Moslem. Most of the peacekeepers pledged for service in Darfur are from black African countries. Russia and China regularly veto UN attempts to impose sanctions on Sudan. China runs most of the new Sudanese oil fields, and sells Sudan large quantities of goods (all paid for with the new oil wealth). Russia also sells many expensive items to Sudan. China denies that it is selling military equipment to Sudan, but when pictures or videos of Chinese gear shows up, the Chinese simply decline to comment. Even the risk of disruptions at the upcoming Beijing Olympics has not changed Chinese, or Sudanese attitudes. No one is willing to use force on Sudan, and as long as Sudan can get its oil fields developed by China, and import Chinese goods, it can just ignore the international clamor.