Forces: October 12, 1999


: US and German officials have reached a draft agreement for the complete withdrawal of US military units from Rhein-Main Air Force Base in Germany. The draft now goes to the respective governments for review.--Stephen V Cole



Long Range Bombers: 33 Tu-95MS6 Bear-H6, 56 Tu-95M16 Bear-H, 24 Tu-160
Medium Range Bombers: 90 Tu-22M Backfire.
Tankers: 20 IL-78 Midas


10 MiG-25 Foxbat Interceptors
200 MiG-29 Fulcrum multi-role fighters
320 MiG-31 Foxhound Interceptors
380 Su-27 Flanker long-range strategic fighters
60 MiG-27 Flogger attack planes
295 Su-24 Flanker strike fighters
195 Su-25 Frogfoot tactical attack planes
40 MiG-25 Foxbat-R recon planes
150 Su-24 Fencer-R deep recon planes
10 Tu-22MR Backfire strategic recon planes
20 A-50 Mainstay Airborne Early Warning and Control Planes
45 An-12 Cub transport planes
25 An-22 Cock transport planes
50 An-32 Cline transport planes
20 An-72/74/79 transport planes
24 An-124 Condor very large transport planes
1 An-225 Cossack transport plane
220 IL-76 Candid transport planes
15 Tu-134/154 Careless transport planes
200 SA-5 (S200) anti-aircraft missile launchers
2,100 SA-10 (S300P) anti-aircraft missile launchers
100 SA-12 (S300V) anti-aircraft/anti-missile launchers


60 Tu-22M Backfire medium bombers
30 Su-27 and 25 Su-33 Flanker fighters
35 Su-24 Fencer interdiction strike fighters
5 An-12 Cub electronic warfare/recon planes
8 IL-20 Coot electronic warfare/recon planes
12 Su-24 Fencer recon planes
5 Tu-22MR Backfire recon planes
12 Tu-95 Bear ocean surveillance planes
25 Be-12 Mail anti-submarine flying boats
50 Ka-25 Hormone-A anti-submarine helicopters
85 Ka-27 Helix-A anti-submarine helicopters
20 Mi-14 Haze anti-submarine helicopters
35 IL-35 May long-range anti-submarine planes
55 Tu-142 Bear-F long-range anti-submarine planes
15 Ka-25 Hormone tactical lift helicopters
30 Ka-29 and 5 Ka-31 Helix naval combat helicopters
10 Mi-6 Hook heavy lift helicopters
35 Mi-8 Hip tactical helicopters
40 Mi-14 Haze tactical helicopters
--Stephen V Cole




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