India-Pakistan: January 6, 2003


In Pakistan, the Pushtun and Baluchi tribes are winning the war on terrorism. The tribes have guns, will fight to defend their independence and many are deep into smuggling and the drug trade. While only small numbers in each tribe favor the cause of al Qaeda or the Taliban, that's all it takes to get the entire tribe involved if  foreign commandos come after the pro-terrorist tribesman. The US has CIA and Special Forces teams in Pakistan trying to buy cooperation from tribes, but this is difficult. While the tribal leaders like the money, the cash disappears quickly, while any problems with tribal members can go on for generations. If anyone is going to deal with tribal terrorists and Taliban activists, it's going to have to be shooters from outside. This way, there's no one nearby to have an endless blood feud with. Commandos from American can get away with this, although one Pakistani  went to CIA headquarters and killed several people at the entrance because of an imagined slight. This guy was hunted down by the CIA and caught. If you don't fight back, you'll keep getting shot at.