India-Pakistan: November 10, 2003


In India's Gujarat province, rioting between Hindus and Moslems broke out, leaving one dead and several wounded. Hindu nationalists have encouraged such violence in the area for years, and the large Moslem minority in this northern India region are organizing their own militias. The Hindu nationalist provincial government has been reluctant to punish Hindus for murdering and assaulting Moslems.  

Afghanistan and the US increased pressure on Pakistan to crack down on border tribes that harbor Taliban and al Qaeda fighters. But Pakistan has never been able to control the Pushtun tribes along the Afghan border. And before there was a Pakistan, neither has anyone else been able to tell the tribes what to do. Pakistani troops are operating along the border, but they are out numbered by the tribesmen, who know the terrain well and can simply bury their guns and become civilians any time they want.




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