Iraq: June 11, 2004


Interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi claimed that foreign and Iraqi "terrorists"  had conducted 130 attacks on Iraqi oil pipelines in the last seven months. This had caused more than $200 million in damage, or, as Allawi  put it, money  "stolen out of the pockets," of the Iraqi people. Public opinion has been moving away from the paranoid fantasies so popular in the Arab, and other foreign media, that claim there is an "Iraqi uprising against American occupation." Iraqis are now willing to accept the fact that it's their country, their oil and their responsibility to maintain order and rebuild their country. A year of reconstruction has transformed most of the country, except the areas where hostile militias and foreign terrorists have kept reconstruction efforts out. Iraqis have noticed this, especially those in the areas that have seen little reconstruction. And this Summer they will feel it, because rebuilding the electrical system has been one of the major reconstruction efforts. The terrorist and militia attacks have killed mostly Iraqis, and this has created a public demand that Iraqis do something to find and stop the Iraqi and foreign "terrorists" who are trying to wreck the country.