Iraq: August 7, 2004


The specific crimes that can be pardoned include;

- Collaborating with terrorists.

- Failing to turn in others for plotting, financing or carrying out terrorist acts.

- Owning, manufacturing, trading or distributing military type weapons.

- Possessing explosive materials or the means to manufacture explosives.

- Providing supports or cover for wanted criminals, including former Saddam Hussein regime loyalists and terrorists.

Muqtada al Sadr's Shia radical militia has lost over 400 dead in the last few days, and the government has given Sadr 24 hours to disband his militias. Sadr was unable to get a ceasefire, and is now denouncing the United States as the enemy of Iraq and Islam. The problem with this is that the majority of Iraqi Shia don't like Sadr or his gunmen. This is why the government is demanding that Sadr surrender. The local and national government approved the use of American troops, although some government officials are complaining about the use of force. But Sadrs men were getting out of control, and trying to replace the police and local government again, as they did last April. 

The government wants to shut down the independent militias. Sadr's gang is easy, because they openly oppose the government and are unpopular. Going after some of the more low key militias will be more difficult, especially the two large Kurdish militias up north. The favored tactic appears to be sending in the police or army to disarm the militia. If there's violence the cop's can't handle, call in the Americans.