Israel: August 8, 2001


The Palestinian Authority has begun issuing directives to prepare for an Israeli invasion of their territory. The following directives have been given.

@ Local civil defense committees are to be established at once. These will identify areas which are unlikely to come under direct attack and prepare them as refugees for civilians trying to get out of the way. First aid supplies are to be stockpiled. Food is to be stored underground in out of the way areas. Palestinians who own trucks or construction equipment are to be listed so that they can be recruited quickly when fighting starts. Leaflets are to be printed and stored explaining how civilians should take cover against air and ground attacks.

@ Local military commanders have been told to prepare hundreds of Molotov cocktails under the supervision of experts. Explosive belts are to be prepared and youth willing to sacrifice themselves to stop Israeli vehicles and other attacks are to be recruited. Old cars and other obstacles are to be stored near chokepoints so that they can be quickly emplaced. Commanders have been told to identify key positions which can be held by "die in place" units to buy time for a more organized defense.

@ Troops are advised to conserve ammunition as they will fight the entire battle with what is in their pockets or in small local caches. Troops are to be disciplined not to fire rifles at tanks as this is a waste of time. Tank hunter teams are to be formed and briefed.

@ Security is to be increased. Secret documents and other sensitive information has already been removed from exposed command posts. Known and potential collaborators are to kept under continuous observation. The homes of key Palestinian leaders are to be protected against assassination and decapitation attacks that would precede an invasion. Once the invasion begins, Palestinian civil leaders are to go to hidden safe houses while military leaders must report to their units.

@ Palestinian journalists and those Palestinians in public service organizations are to renew contacts with foreign media and be ready to report and confirm atrocities the instant fighting starts.--Stephen V Cole