Liberia: May 10, 2003



The human rights and environmental group Global Witness claims that several Hong Kong firms are using their port city to smuggle Chinese-made AK-47s, machine guns and rocket-propelled grenade launchers to Liberia, using the global timber trade as a cover in two ways: by shipping guns on the boats that transport the Liberian timber to mainland China or by using the money paid for the timber to purchase arms. China is a major importer of Liberian timber and the funds raised by the Liberians are also used to buy weapons from Eastern Europe and Libya

President Taylor has set up a new unit known as the "Special Monitoring Group," comprised of approximately 3,000 men from former Sierra Leone RUF rebels, ATU, Marine Forces, and militia forces. This unit is heavily armed and equipped with arms recently brought into Liberia from outside sources in spite of the UN arms embargo. - Adam Geibel


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