Potential Hot Spots: June 30, 2003


Members of Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabes ruling Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front party (ZANU-PF) said they would consider forming some kind of national unity government with the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). However, the ZANU-PF rejected calls for a new election. Several nations have called for new elections. The US State Department issued a statement saying the US would not resume sending economic aid to Zimbabwe until dictator Mugabe was no longer in power.

On June 25 Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe went to Libya to discuss oil supplies. Libya cut back on oil supplies when Zimbabwe failed to deliver sugar and meat. Mugabe had worked out a barter deal with Qadaffis Libyan regime, but the collapsing Zimbabwean agricultural sector has failed to produce. We know why its collapsing Mugabe drove the most productive farms out of business.


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