Somalia: June 3, 2002


The Italian Catholic news agency MISNA reported that another eight people were killed and about 20 were wounded on 31 May, during renewed clashes between rival factions in the northern outskirts of Mogadishu. The fighting broke out between Warsangeli under-clan militiamen loyal to the warlord Mohammed Dhereh and Agonyar community militia tied to Dahir Dayah, Interior Minister of the Somali Transition Government (TNG). The Associated Press quoted residents that the fighting began after a vehicle carrying Warsangeli clansmen was stopped at a Agonyar militiamen checkpoint in north Mogadishu manned and two assault rifles confiscated. Warsangeli fighters then called for help from kinsmen and a total of seven "technicals" mounting with heavy machine guns gathered at the Fagah junction and began a heavy exchange of fire. - Adam Geibel




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