Terrorism: December 31, 2002



The FBI said it is looking for five men between 19 and 33 from Pakistan and "surrounding countries," who may have entered the country illegally from Canada on Christmas Eve. The FBI wanted to question the five ``based upon information developed in the course of ongoing investigations" but warned that the names and birth dates may be false. The FBI also said that they had no indication that the men were linked to terrorist activities, but also noted that they should be deemed armed and dangerous. Right.

However, these five men may be part of group of up to 19 men of Islamic background that the New York Post claimed entered the United States illegally in the last few days on a possible terror mission. The Post's sources said the 19 are believed to be scattered through several U.S. cities, including New York. The NYPD is allegedly making a special effort to find the men, and a bulletin will be distributed with information to help officers identify them. 

You can do your part to help and look at the photos on the FBI website. If you can get permission to post copies where others will see them, all the better. - Adam Geibel

Photographs of five men wanted for questioning, online at: http://www.fbi.gov/terrorinfo/122002si.htm


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